Our Story
Growing up as a farm girl in the beautiful Hudson Valley of New York State, Lorie grew up drinking raw Jersey milk from their family cow that her dad milked by hand. She was no stranger to the hard work and commitment that went into running a small family farm and also to the healing benefits of raw milk.
It was only during an unexpected season of loss in 2009, that Lorie Diller's soap making journey began. Having suffered the late miscarriage of their 5th son, the loss of her husband's job, the death of her mother-in-law, and a subsequent move to Boerne, Texas from Upland, Indiana, soap making became a therapeutic way to work through multiple layers of grief. Soap making became a prophetic act of believing in God's ability to create life from death and beauty from ashes. One of the last things Lorie's mother-in-law said before she died was that she hoped one day Lorie would have a little girl someday. Four years later, Lorie became pregnant for their 6th child and was due on grandma Lucy's birthday! Lorie went on to give birth to a daughter whom she named 'Lucy' after her Grandma. 'Lucy' means, "bringer of light". Her birth was truly the dawning of a new day. It is Lorie's desire to spread hope to the hurting through these gentle, restorative soaps.